Romania Residence permit


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Romania Residence permit, Getting a residence permit in Romania depends on your specific situation and the purpose of your stay. Here’s a basic overview: Romania drivers license

Types of Romania Residence permit:

  • Temporary Residence Permit: Valid for 1-5 years, renewable. Suitable for various reasons like employment, studies, family reunification, etc.
  • Long-term Residence Permit: Valid for 5 years, renewable. Requires holding a temporary permit for at least 5 years and meeting specific criteria.
  • EU Permanent Residence Permit: Grants permanent residency rights within the EU. Requires being a citizen of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland. how to get a Romania resident permit

Eligibility and Requirements:

Eligibility and requirements vary depending on the type Romania Residence permit. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Valid passport or travel document.
  • Proof of legal accommodation in Romania.
  • Proof of sufficient financial means to support yourself.
  • Health insurance coverage.
  • Clean criminal record.
  • Specific documents depending on the purpose of your stay (e.g., employment contract, student visa, marriage certificate for family reunification). where to get real residence permit online

Application Process:

  • Submit your application to the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in your county in Romania.
  • Pay the application fee.
  • Wait for processing, which can take several months.

Additional Resources:

  • Romanian General Inspectorate for Immigration
  • Euraxess Romania:
  • VisaGuide.World:

Remember: This is just a general overview. It’s important to consult the official government websites and contact the IGI for the most accurate and up-to-date information specific to your situation.

Additional Information:

  • If you provide more details about your reason for wanting a residence permit in Romania, I can provide more specific information and resources.
  • It’s also important to note that immigration laws and procedures can change, so it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest information. 

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Can I get a residence permit in Romania?

Determining eligibility depends on several factors specific to your situation, including:

  • Your nationality: Different countries have varying agreements and requirements for obtaining Romanian residence permits.
  • The purpose of your stay: Different types of residence permits exist for different purposes like employment, studies, investment, family reunification, etc. Each has specific requirements.
  • Your individual circumstances: Whether you already have a visa, meet financial requirements, possess necessary documents, etc. all play a role in eligibility.

While I can provide general information and resources, it’s crucial to consult official channels for accurate and personalized guidance. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Visit the Romanian General Inspectorate for Immigration website: [] This website offers detailed information on different residence permits, eligibility criteria, application procedures, and fees.
  2. Contact the IGI directly: You can find contact information for the IGI office in your county on their website. They can answer specific questions about your situation and eligibility.
  3. Consult with an immigration lawyer: An immigration lawyer specializing in Romanian law can provide personalized advice and guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.

Remember, immigration laws and procedures can change. Always ensure you have the latest information before making any decisions.

Can I get Romanian citizenship by investment?

While Romania doesn’t offer a direct citizenship-by-investment program, it does provide a pathway towards Romanian citizenship through investment. This process involves two main steps:

1. Obtaining Permanent Residency:

  • Investment Requirement: You need to invest either:
    • €1,000,000 in a government-approved investment fund or company. OR
    • €500,000 in a qualifying business venture, creating at least 50 new jobs.
  • Other Requirements:
    • You need to be over 18 years old with no criminal record.
    • You must have proof of health insurance and suitable accommodation in Romania.
    • You need to pass a Romanian language test at a basic level.

2. Applying for Citizenship:

  • After holding Permanent Residency for 8 years: You can then apply for Romanian citizenship through naturalization.
  • Additional Requirements: You need to demonstrate integration into Romanian society, such as passing a more advanced Romanian language test and showing proof of residence in Romania for the past 8 years.

Important Points:

  • This is a lengthy and expensive process requiring significant investment.
  • It doesn’t guarantee citizenship; approval depends on meeting all requirements and passing background checks.
  • Seek professional advice from immigration lawyers before proceeding.

Here are some resources for further information:

  • Romanian General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI): []
  • Eurofast – Handbook to Romania Citizenship by Investment: [[invalid URL removed]]
  • Get Golden Visa – Romania Residency by Investment: [[invalid URL removed]]

Remember, laws and procedures can change, so it’s crucial to have the latest information before making any decisions.

How can I immigrate to Romania?

Immigrating to Romania involves several steps and depends heavily on your specific circumstances, including your nationality, reason for wanting to move, and financial resources. Here’s a general overview, but I strongly recommend seeking personalized guidance from official sources and potentially an immigration lawyer:

General Eligibility:

  • You must be a non-EU citizen with a valid passport and no criminal record.
  • Depending on your chosen immigration path, you may need to meet specific requirements like proof of financial means, health insurance, and a Romanian language test.

Immigration Paths:

  1. Employment:

    • Find a job offer from a Romanian company and secure a work visa.
    • Your employer may assist with the visa application process.
    • After working legally for a certain period (usually 5 years), you can apply for permanent residency.
  2. Studies:

    • Enroll in a recognized educational program in Romania and obtain a student visa.
    • After completing your studies and meeting specific criteria, you might be eligible for temporary or permanent residency.
  3. Investment:

    • While Romania doesn’t have a direct citizenship-by-investment program, you can invest significantly in approved funds or businesses and eventually apply for permanent residency, potentially leading to citizenship after 8 years.
    • This path requires a substantial investment and doesn’t guarantee citizenship.
  4. Family reunification:

    • If you have close family members with Romanian citizenship or permanent residency, you might be eligible for a family reunification visa.
    • Specific requirements and documentation depend on your relationship to the family member.
  5. Marriage:

    • Marrying a Romanian citizen grants the right to apply for a residence permit and eventually citizenship after fulfilling specific requirements and residing in Romania for a certain period.

How to get Romania citizenship?

There are several ways to acquire Romanian citizenship, each with its own requirements and eligibility criteria. Here’s a breakdown of the main options:

By Birth:

  • You are automatically granted Romanian citizenship if:
    • You are born in Romania, regardless of your parents’ citizenship.
    • You are born abroad to at least one Romanian parent.

By Adoption:

  • If you are legally adopted by a Romanian citizen, you can apply for Romanian citizenship.

By Repatriation:

  • You may be eligible for repatriation if you or your ancestors lost Romanian citizenship involuntarily or under specific circumstances. Romania drivers license

By Naturalization:

  • This is the most common path for non-Romanians to acquire citizenship. To qualify, you must meet the following general requirements:
    • Be at least 18 years old.
    • Have resided in Romania legally for at least 8 years (with some exceptions).
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the Romanian language and culture.
    • Pass a criminal background check. Romania Residence permit, Romania drivers license

Additional Considerations:

  • Marriage: Marrying a Romanian citizen doesn’t automatically grant you citizenship. However, it can simplify the naturalization process after fulfilling specific residency requirements.
  • Investment: While Romania doesn’t have a direct citizenship-by-investment program, you can invest significantly in government-approved funds or businesses and eventually apply for permanent residency, potentially leading to citizenship after 8 years. This path requires a substantial investment and doesn’t guarantee citizenship.


  • Immigration laws and procedures can change frequently. Always obtain the latest information from official sources like the Romanian General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI)
  • Consulting with an immigration lawyer specializing in Romanian law is highly recommended for personalized guidance and navigating the complex process efficiently.

Remember, choosing the appropriate path depends on your individual circumstances, nationality, and reasons for seeking citizenship. Research thoroughly, seek professional advice, and ensure you meet all eligibility criteria before proceeding.


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